Civil & Criminal Matters

26 Willow Street, Yarmouth 
Nova Scotia, Canada, B5A 1V3
Tel: 1-902-881-2221      Fax: 1-902-881-2210
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://tibbolaw.com

Barrister & Solicitor


Edward Snowden Case
Edward Snowden
   “Robert was a man who carried the weight of human lives on his shoulders every day,”...”Every day, he fought against a system that is designed to ensure that you can never win. And as far I’m concerned, his plan was brilliant.”
September 2016

   “They’re aren’t a lot of lawyers who could successfully protect their clients in the midst of something like that.”
September 2016

   “I would also like to give a special thanks to Mr. Robert Tibbo For everything that he has done both for me personally and for the families who gave so much to get me to this point where I could come and speak with you today.”
Dalhousie University - 30 May 2019

   “You know, I had an attorney, that the journalists were kind enough to sort of get me in touch with, Robert Tibbo, which was an extraordinary stroke of luck. But he told me, you know, “You’re going to be in jail for the next 10 years, if you fight this, even if you win, because of the way the process is going to work and everything like that. So, if it’s important for you to continue speaking out, you know, you need to start looking to someplace like Iceland or someplace like Ecuador.”.”
Democracy Now - 6 May 2021

Laura Poitras, Documentary Film director and Academy award winner, Citizen Four
   “We had no time to make plans” ... “Things were just moving faster than we could think. We were in free fall.” ...“Robert Tibbo rescued Mr. Snowden. He was the one who really knew what he was doing”...”Rob immediately had a plan for how to get Ed out of the hotel. And what to do after that. We would never have made it without him.” - 2016

   “He is somebody who has devoted his life to protecting refugees and peoples seeking asylum and he takes that very seriously.” - 2016

Ben Wizner, Director – American Civil Liberties Union
   “He’s what we call a boy scout”...“He’s an extremely scrupulous and ethical lawyer”...“I have enormous respect for Robert and the role that he played.” - 2016

Jonathan Man, Partner; Ho, Tse & Partners
   “Good lawyers are hard to find, but one with a big heart is even more rare.” - 2016

   “He had a lot more pressure on him than I did. Most of the plan was Robert’s, but we executed it together.” - 2016

Vanessa Rodel – Refugee who sheltered Edward Snowden in Hong Kong (Tibbo Refugees)
   “Mr. Tibbo, my lawyer in Hong Kong at that time, put a stop to the attempts and threats against my daughter and me as well as the same against the other refugees who sheltered Snowden in June 2013. Mr. Tibbo fought for us in our asylum cases in Hong Kong. He also fought against immigration, the police, the Security Bureau, the Education Bureau, Social Welfare Department, and International Social Services (Hong Kong Branch). He fought against Immigration in its attempts to return me and my stateless daughter to the Philippines to face torture, persecution, and death. Mr. Tibbo put a stop to all of that. He fought fearlessly against a government that had no respect for me and my daughter as human beings.”
Montreal, Canada - 26 June 2023

   “Mr. Tibbo never allowed harm to affect our cases or our families. He protected us as moral, ethical, and great lawyer. Mr. Tibbo defended us in Hong Kong and it was he who advised us and worked on our cases in applying for refugee status in Canada. Mr. Tibbo was responsible for securing our freedom and safety in Canada. He got us to Canada where we are now safe and treated as equals to everyone in Canadian society. And for that we will always be grateful to him.
Montreal, Canada - 26 June 2023

Other Cases
Zeljko Ivic, Banker
   "If he can take on the U.S. government, I think he can handle a bank like BTG."
Forbes Magazine, commenting on his lawyer Robert Tibbo acting for him against Latin America’s largest stand alone investment Bank Banco BTG Pactual, Brazil - February 2016

Cosmo Beatson, the executive director of Vision First, Hong Kong
   “If I were looking for a Hong Kong lawyer who was ready to take on the government for a tough fight, (Tibbo) would definitely be one of the top three to four people I would pick”
Reuters - 2013

Rangi, Sri Lankan Refugee, Hong Kong
   “Mr Tibbo is a fighter"...'He [Rangi] was finally arrested in 2013 and sent to prison for three months. “That’s when I met Mr Tibbo. He got me out by appealing to the High Court.” Rangi says Tibbo “has a very good heart”, evident gratitude colouring his voice, and smiles about the many cases he works on for free.'
SCMP - 2017